The guys from Gojira recently posted a lovely little photo and an update on their facebook page.
It's great to hear the new album is coming along, but I was especially happy to see the photo. Very cool to see the charts and how they work on their songs.
Photo Credit: Gabrielle Duplantier
A lot happened since our last message so we wanted to give you some news today and let you know we are still alive! We know you are all eagerly awaiting the Sea Sheperd EP release. We are sorry for the delay. Some of the material was on a hard drive that crashed but we are nearing the end of a long and difficult recovery process. Now the Good news: the new Album is ready! All the music and lyrics are waiting to be recorded. Joe is already in NY to check out the Studio and make sure everything is sorted so we can begin to record next month. A new website is being built and we are working on ways to improve the communication between the band and our fans. You guys fucking rule! Thanks!